Category Archives: Photography





||..pisco licor..||

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random pictures i took from the month of may

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stones and sand on the beach!. (boredness)

Marine World in Canada



“My sister and my cousin Sharyl posting themselves in an advertisement add of the marine fun-card for students. I don’t know why but that is where the picture of the beluga whale is so.. that’s the portrait.”

I and my Family spent 3 days in Canada.. One of the places we went to is the Marine World. Actually it is not my fist time going there.I have been there 3 years ago yet i still want to express my inner child personality. I love animals especially when you really get a chance to hold them.

“Oh yeah! i held them with my own hands. Especially the killer whale, dolphin and the beluga whale.”

I admit they are stinky but they are so adorable. I cant get enough of them.

I and my cousin Sharyl have our own world. We took pictures of of our selves like crazy. Whether there are lot of people around us and most of them are children..

“Heck with them! I’m still a child trap in the body of a twenty years old lady!. hehehe..”

We also watch a seal and a dolphin show. Before it it also has a whale show but i don’t know why they don’t have it anymore yet it was fun though, watching the seal and dolphins do the tricks.


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i bought a souvenir neclacae for me , for my sister and for my cousin. its has a dolphin charm wrap around it. me and my cousin got the navy blue dolphin and my sister got a hte sky blue one.

“thank God. i have something from canada now because before i didnt have any. i left canada with out any memoribillia with me.”

it was a happy experience. with my my cousin with me, crazy as me, that goes to what my sane lavel is. it was a million thanks for her.

Dale’s Pic

I was exploring, looking for what to do, bordness came up to me. I came up into a concept of posting some pictures that i took. I was wondering if i could do a portfolio of memories from last month. This picture was taken when we went to a beach not far from our house. i was absest in tking candid picture where I made my sister as my model. hehehehe… yeha i know most of the picture in my file are my sister’s picture, few are mines.

dale photo beach shot
I know that ky sister had a good time when i took this photo’s. At first it wasn’t my intention to get this cool images but i did.


A bad wake up

it was early in the morning. i heard a loud sound. i was terrified, my sister was screaming my name. i startled from sleep. i saw my sister on the stairs, she was crying. she was complaining that she cannot breath and her back is in tremendous pain. At that very moment i asked my cousin to dial 911. i was helpless, i don’t know what to do. all i did is to help my sister to sit on the couch.

i was so worried that what if she hit her spine. that will cause a sever damage to her body. i asked my sister if she can move her lower extremities- her feet, toes, and leg, and as well as her fingers.

i was on the line talking to the operator. i was crying. i can’t even grasp what the operator was telling me to do. i just keep on crying until the paramedics came. we were investigated what really happen.

i went with my sister in the Staten Island University Hospital. i wasn’t change from my pajama’s yet i did went brought my wallet with me.

in the hospital, they gave my sister in pain medication. good thing she was feeling well she can even get her self up the bed even a little bit. while waiting for her medical result me and my sister were ok in the room. talking what really went wrong when she is going down stairs to work.

the indecation in my sister test result is, she fractured her coccyx (tail bone) due to the fall she had. the pressure of the impact from the stairs (3-5 levels).

dale’s badge
dale’s hospital badge.

even she is in the hospital. picture taking still takes it place.

sorry for the darkness. it was taken with phone camera.