Tag Archives: let me cry

“Lub-dub-lub-dub” Say’s My Heart

It’s been on and off this recently that things just happen and you don’t know how to explain it to yourself.

Have you experienced the feeling like you’re so empty, don’t know what to do, and can’t think of anything of why you feel that way. It’s like your heart is suffocated and wanted to break out but you tried to figure out for what reason.

You tried to breathe heavily to console yourself and to maintain self-intact. You forced yourself to do something for diversion. Hence, you wanted to cry it out but there is no single tear to cry.

I don’t know if this is ambivalence or just feeling of being bored.
Maybe I missed someone. Maybe I had an unfinished business that needs to be talked to. Maybe I need to get a life. Maybe I just have to be more open to myself because deep inside I want to get mad. However, I don’t want to be affected by things around me.

Good vibes, please.
If crying can help to ease this feeling.
Then cry.
Eyes, please cry already.
It hurts. It really hurts.
Let those lacrimal gland squeeze some tears.
Let them flow without any hesitation.
Unhindered what is hindering.
Help Ms. Heart breath smoothly.
Let Ms. Heart beat rhythmically.
Lub-dub-lub-dub in a 60-120 beats per minute.