Tag Archives: respect

I’m in PLURK, too!

Hi guys! just an update.

I just recently signed up in this cool social community site called PLURK.com. I saw this link from my very lovable ate JEN a.k.a. burinj, my big sister here in web especially in WordPress Blog. I met cool people, which i became friend with, and they are also ilonggo’s, (ate joy, ate apple, etc…), like me.


My first impression in plurk was it looks like twitter and acts like twitter. You post your short journal update of what you are doing, and at the same time you could reply to other plurks. However, plurk gets you organize, and follow your specific post, and your friends reply on that said specific post in one page. Yes, it is really organize but I don’t know if i said it right, just bare with me. Addition to that, not only you and one of your friend could converse to each other but also your other friends that received your post could see or join the conversation. Continue reading I’m in PLURK, too!