Tag Archives: tomboy

Love Vs Lust

This is a reply post for Ate Jen a.k.a. burinj, especially the picture. I made it especially for her.
A lot of guys are all concern about what is under the girls skirt, and how big is it up the chest. But they always missed what is really inside of it and how big is it. I’m talking about what guys missed is the love, and how much the girls loves them.

It could also be vice versa. Who knows but just be aware.

Is there any chance that love could go on his own way and lust could go on the other direction? Why they are always “partners in crime”? One always comes with the other. hmmp! Like color black and white, sweet and sour, Hansel and Gretel, beauty and the beast, Ernie and Bert, especially me and my sister. We are different person with different personality but when our forces are combined the house atmosphere is like a jungle, noisy, like cats and dogs, and tom and jerry. lol

But me and my sister love the presence of each other because day won’t be complete without sister interaction. bow!